Sunday, April 18, 2010

Love Rant: Dogs. BIG Dogs

All right, I thought I'd start this Love Rant Blog off, with a bit of a "no brainer" on something I love:

Dogs. BIG Dogs.

Not that I don't love my dog, Molly, (who is, rather small) (like, she's what would happen if dust bunnies ever evolved legs) . But, honestly? She's a little wimpy and whiny for my dog tastes. There's just something a bit more, well, dog-ish about a big dog. A big dogs says, "Hey. I'm so happy you're home. I'm gonna show you how happy I am by romping around the living room where I will probably come close to breaking something." A big dog waggin' some tail is a force to be reckoned with and a big dog can make the big, dopey, happy dog face. You know the one I'm taking about-the overgrown wide smile with the tongue lolling out the side. The Happy Dog Face. I'm not saying that a little dog CAN'T do all these things, I'm just saying that more often than not (at least in my experience) little dogs have the attitude and personality of a cat. Have you ever heard of the "Happy Cat Face?" No. Me either. Can you even picture a cat smiling (Cheshire cat doesn't count. He's creepy)? No. Me either.

Molly never makes the happy dog face. I feel like she has five expressions. They are:

2."As If"

3. "I'm Telling Dad"

4. "Wtf, you're leaving?!"


5."I'm excited (maybe about the mail, the fact that Dad's home, the kids walking by the window or the squirrel in the yard) so I'm going to high pitch bark until your ear drums bleed"

None of those are so humble, kind and simple as the happy-dog face.

You can playfully shove a big dog in a just for fun human-dog wrestling match. Whenever I shove Molly over she pretty much gives me the "As If" face and goes to sit on my Dad's lap. And, if I ever happen to get her in a "playing" mood, I get in trouble from my Dad who thinks I will break her. Which, isn't untrue. I probably WILL break her. Having a little dog is like having a newborn baby brother. You can coo at it and tell it how cute it is and sit with it in your lap. But God Forbid you try and play football with something you could probably use as a football. Having a big dog is like having a 12 year old brother. You know, the kind you can get into trouble with (and then put the blame on).

What's with all the big-dog talk?
No, I did not recently go out and by a labrador. Nor do I intend to anytime soon. I'm not ready to be a mother, or a sister more than once over just yet...
But I DID get to dog-sit (as I often do) for my cousin's super awesome standard poodles. Let me give you a little perspective...

This is Gilda, her dog, wearing my red sweater:

This is my dog wearing my red sweater:

Gilda loves to play the "I'm Gonna Get Your Paws" game. This game would just annoy Molly. Both Gilda and Gracie (the other poodle my cousin has) both play FETCH. As in I throw something, they bring it back. I throw sometime, they bring it back. This is NOT the version of fetch Molly likes to play which is either a) get my squeaky hamburger out from under the coffee table for so I can go play with it by myself or b) throw the squeaky hamburger across the room for me once so I can go play with it by myself.

Molly is good to take a nap with, but so are big dogs. And you never have to worry about rolling over on a big dog in your sleep...

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