Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dreams Are Weird Episode #1

I have this really awesome Nightmare Before Christmas mug. Because it is such a cool mug, I just have it on a shelf in my room and never use it for beverages. I cleaned my room last night and can recall looking at it and thinking, "Hm. What's the best place for this?" I found a spot for it, finished cleaning my room and passed out shortly after...
And I start dreamin'.
All the sudden, I'm dreamin' this dream that this real-life girl I think is cute was drinking coffee out of my favorite, decorative Nightmare Before Christmas mug. Waaaaaah!!!

So, I see this and in my brain I'm like, "OMG! That mug is decorative!! Why did she put coffee in it?? That mug is NOT for beverages! Where did she GET my favorite, decorative, Nightmare Before Christmas mug??...She probably just doesn't know that it's a) decorative and b) special to me. I should tell her."
So then, all I do in the dream is pretend to play coy and say to her (I should also mention I'm "slow fading" out of the room we're in as I say this in an attempt to be coy and possibly sexy (I should not be allowed to try to be sexy)), "Just so you know, that mug is decorative and The Nightmare Before Christmas is my favorite movie. My favorite movie of allllllllllll time. My favorite movie ever. And that's a Nightmare Before Christmas mug you're drinking out of, so just so you should feel honored to drink out of it. Just so you know...and that mug is decorative, just so you know..."

And all the while, while I'm slow-fading and telling it to her like it is, she's saying, "Uh-Huh. Ok. Oh I get it" and smiling at me like, "Honey, I am going to use the fact that you think I'm cute to drink coffee out of your Nightmare Before Christmas mug ALL THE TIME muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! I don't CARE if it's decorative I drink out of whatever mug I damn well please!! Sucks that you think I'm cute, you giant dork!!"

...This is probably a sign that it will never work out between us. Next thing she'll do is use my Mary Oliver book of poetry as a coaster and pair of goggles thrown to me from the track by an actual jockey as eye protection to mow the lawn.

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