Sunday, August 15, 2010

Love Rant: Walgreens Drugstore for Carrying Same-Sex Wedding Cards



We might not be able to get legally married in Illinois but BOY HOWDY when we do? Walgreens is ready with same-sex wedding cards! And for now, they'll do just fine as "commitment ceremony" cards.

THANK YOU WALGREENS! A big thumbs up to you.

FURTHERMORE this was a Walgreens in the suburbs! I know! Crazy, right? I mean, I might have expected it from a Walgreens in Boystown, but the burbs? Whoa, baby!

Granted, it was only 2 cards and the choices were a card for "two grooms" with a cartoon of two tuxedoed torsos holding hands OR a card with rainbow hearts all over it. I know, not the best options but at least they were there.

The "two grooms" card was really cute. The rainbow hearts? Not so much. Don't take away my gay card but I'm not a huge fan of rainbows. It will be a cold, cold day in hell before there are any rainbows within a 10 mile radius of my wedding. Unless it's a real rainbow in the sky. My wedding will NOT have rainbow flag centerpieces, or a rainbow flag cake and I will NOT be wearing a rainbow tie at my wedding. Nor, will any member of my wedding party carry the rainbow flag down the aisle to the tune of "I'm Coming Out". Basically, at no time should anyone at my wedding say, "Hey, you know what this wedding reminds me? Last year's pride parade."

...although I wouldn't mind a drag queen in my wedding party. Or a dyke on a bike. PFLAG should probably have a float too. And I guess if they really want to the HRC could pass out pamphlets as long as they were willing to pass out wedding programs too.
...And if Elton John is busy the Chicago Gay Man's Chorus could do the music.
But over my dead body is anyone wearing a rainbow. We have to keep it classy.

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