Thursday, October 21, 2010

Things About Me That Are (APPARENTLY) Unattractive


  1. Amy, sometimes I have dreams that I'm making things I plan to make at some point that week. It'll just be me, hanging out in the kitchen, making food. Oh, now I'm adding the cumin. Uh-oh, that simmer looks like it's turning into a boil! Hey, Fresh Air is on, I'll turn up the radio! And then I eat the meal. And that's the whole dream.

    At least your dreams are more exciting!

  2. Chelsea! What are you talking about?! Your dreams sound both delicious AND informative and hence...very exciting! I bet I would probably drool all over the pillow if I had one of your dreams too.

    Your dreams also sound much calmer than my dreams. I had one the other night about cobras and giant spiders. CRAZY!

  3. No post since OCTOBER??? What's up with that?!! I miss the Love Rant!!
